It is important that I have a clear insight into my audiences likes and dislikes in order to make the most effective horror trailer for my target audience. Therefore, I have created a questionnaire that will allow me to understand what my audience find most appealing about trailers within the horror genre and what draws them in most.

I will be aiming my questionnaire to a wider demographic (from 16-60+), other than just teenagers in order to enhance my knowledge of what a wider audience would like. This would mean that my horror trailer would be more likely to be successful overall because a wider audience would want to see it. With this in mind, I had to ensure that the questions I asked were relevent to the horror genre and all of the audiences that I asked in order for the results to be relevent and reliable.

The questionnaire I created was distributed to 12 participants, in which 6 were male and 6 were female. I decided to do this to make the comparison of the results easier and more balanced to prevent the results being biased.

Here is my questionnaire:


Click to enlarge

All of the questions I have used are closed questions which will produce quantitative data. This data is numerically counted and is easier to collect and interperet to come to conclusions, therefore, with this in mind I felt that this method would be most suitable for me. With this data I will collate the results into graphs that will show me the most popular answers and from this I will analyse the results to come to a conclusion about what strategies would meet my target audiences wants for my own horror trailer.