After collecting the results from my questionnaire, I am going to use the data to put into graphs that I can analyse. The graphs will give me an insight into what elements of other horror trailers I should use in my horror trailer for a successful approach.

Question 1 What is your gender?

For this task, I ensured that I had the same amount of male and female participants to balance my results out. Males and females may have very contrasting views therefore to avoid bias I had 50% male contribution and 50% female contribution.


This question will allow me to see what will attract both a male and a female audience with my horror trailer which is important in order to attract a mass target audience.



Question 2 What age group do you fit into?

A large proportion of the people I asked were aged 16 -21. I did this because this is the target audience that my horror trailer will be mostly aimed at. By aiming a survey at them, I will have a better insight into what will be most effective for them to watch.




Question 3 What is your favourite Horror Film Trailer?


The results above show that there is a signicant popularity for both The Conjuring(2016) and Scream() between our participants. Whereas Scream falls into the sub-genre of teen-slasher, The Conjuring is a psycological/ paranormal horror which are both quite contrasting. Despite this, this could suggest that our audience like both paranormal themes and blood and gore that are caused by spirits. This could be a possible idea for our own trailer by using these sub-genres.

Question 4 What is your favourite horror sub-genre to watch?



The results from this question have shown that Paranormal and Psychological Thrillers are the most popular sub-genres between the audience that answered my questionnaire. This supports the previous question and tells me that paranormal and psychological themes would be best to use in my own trailer to attract the young audience that I want to successfully.

Question 5 What do you feel is the most important convention to have in a horror trailer?



The results of question 5 show that my audience felt that Jump Scares, Creepy Music and Isolated settings are the most important conventions of horror trailers. I will incorporate these ideas into my horror trailer to have the most effect on my audience. Continually, due to Jump Scares having the highest score of 6, I will ensure that my jump scare is very clear at the end of my trailer and small build up of small jump scares builds up to it for the scariest effect.

Question 6 What sort of pace/speed do you think a horror trailer should move at?



The results above show that my audience find a medium paced horror trailer most suitable. The fast paced horror trailer option was also quite popular, therefore I am going to use a mixture of all three to show contrast throughout the trailer and make the fast paced sections more shocking.

Question 7 What types of sounds do you find most creepy or effective in a horror trailer?



It is very clear that my audience found that eerie background music was most ‘creepy’ for horror trailers. Due to the popularity of this option, I will use eerie music successfully in my own horror trailer. I feel that this was the most popular option because it sets the atmosphere for the entire horror trailer.

Question 8 What particular lighting would you expect to see in a horror trailer?



My audience has shown that they usually expect to see a mixture of low-lighting, high-lighting and no lighting in horror trailers. Due to their keen intrest into a mixture of both no-lighting and low-lighting, I will use both to set the atmosphere of the trailer throughout. These results could suggest that by having a sense of fear all the way through the trailer due to darkness, the scariest parts are even scarier than they would have been in high lighting.

Question 9 Where do you feel is the most typical and effective setting for a horror trailer to be set?



My audience have shown a clear interest in abandoned house and building settings. Depending on what facilities are available to me, I will definitely consider using an abandoned area for my horror trailer.

Question 10 Where would you usually expect the title of the film to appear in a horror trailer?



There was quite an even perspective on where the title of the horror film should go on the trailer. The most popular place that my audience thought would be best for the title was the end of the trailer. I will use this data to put my horror title at the end of the trailer.

I feel that this shows that putting my title at the end will help the audience to remember the film even more because it will be the last thing they see.

Question 11 What sort of narratives pull you in when watching horror trailers?



These results show that the most popular horror narratives for my audince are murderers and diseases. I believe that my audience very much fear the idea of isolation with something tring to catch them that they must get away from. I will use this idea in my own horror trailer to draw my auidence in.