Along with our storyboard we created a script that we could follow as a basic summary of what dialouge we might want to use in our horror trailer. By doing this, we could establish what sort of narrative each scene will have, meaning that production will by easy and quick.

This task allowed us to re-establish skills that we had learned last year in script writing. To do it, we used a website called celtx- – which was useful for writing scripts in a professional way like you would see in film/telivision production. This made our production process seem a lot more sophisticated and  official.

My collegue has created three scripts in order for us to deistinguish between different scenes when producing the film which will make the process much quicker and easier.

Below is our final products:







Within our scripts we used a lot of ‘action’ descriptions due to the fact that we wanted to have less dialouge and more dramatic action shots to establish our narrative. A lot of more dialouge will be used at the start to represent the initial storyline our our trailer however after that minimal dialouge will be used and a lot more diegetic sound will be introduced.

My collegue and I both feel that the dialogue that we have put into the script is just an overall basic idea of what we will actually use in our trailer. With this in mind, we feel that there is a lot more dialogue there than we will actually use.