In order for me to create an effective horror film that will appeal to my wide target audience I must understand their likes and dislikes. This will ensure that I will constantly be referring back to what would draw my target audience in throughout the production process of my film.

My target audience will range from around 13+, therefore, I have created an example of an audience member that would watch my film using the social media website – facebook. I chose this online platform because many target age range would use this form of networking consistently to socialise and live their everyday lives.

My target audience profile is below:


As you can see above, this target audience member is young, loves the horror genre and enjoys watching films that play on your mind. Many of the things that are listed in the profile regarding films and interests show themes of isolation, moments of gore and themes of children.This girl would be appealed by our horror trailer due to the feeling of the ‘unknown’, isolation and the excitement of trying to escape due to her love of going out to places and adventuring.