Before doing our official photoshop versions of our posters we decided to draw up a few drafts ideas that we have come up with in class. We have decided to craft the poster like this because we are not completely sure which colours and layouts will work when we put them onto photoshop therefore we will evaluate the effectiveness of the posters after our second drafts.

Here are our drafts below:

Draft 1


The first draft that Melissa and I planned is shown above. We had the idea of having one of the students in our film lye on the floor showing a bite mark on their arm. An infection from the bite is shown to spread up the arm of the student all the way up to their face where half of their face is infected and the other half isn’t. It will be made clear to the audience that the student is infected in some way meaning that they may be a zombie. This feature initially shows off the genre of the film to the audience which is important for a horror poster as we have learnt from our previous research into the purpose of Horror Trailers.

Draft 2


On our second draft we took inspiration from posters with black backrounds such as the Deliver us from Evil poster. We decided that the main image should be a long shot of a student or teacher who has been infected, standing at the end of a corridor looking directly at the camera. We will use minimal lighting to create an isolated effect and the image will have a black fade border effect so it fades into the black background. We have not decided whether we will have just one student in the image or a group of them like there is in the Dawn of the Dead poster, however after our 2nd drafts we will figure out what looks most effective and redraft from there.