Yesterday we filmed the last main parts to our Horror Trailer. We decided to focus on the three main elements that are vital for the narrative of our trailer to be clear. Firstly, my collegue and I did some filming with Mr Green – the principle of our school – who we asked to film some shots of him making the announcement that he is going to lock down the school. We did this by doing some close-up shots/mid-shots of him rushing around his office and finding out about the spread of the disease. We then took some long-shots of him sorting out the camera to film himself talking about the disease that has spread over the world. We decided to do this in order to show the stress that Mr Green is under. We also knew that the variety of shots would enhance the narrative of the film and would allow the audience to feel like they are actually in the office with the Principle and the reality of the film. With this in mind, we took a shot of the announcement that the principle took on his camera. We did this by recording a version on the filming camera with the aid of the tripod as well as using an adavanced iPhone app called CamCorder to film a more rustic looking filming technique that would fit the Zombie Horror conventions. The fact the film that Mr Green has created is not clean cut or professional would suggest to the audience that the authority that they are relying on in the film is no longer reliable. This may cause the audience distress because they will become aware that there is no-one for the young characters to be looked after by.

We also took the opportunity to film after school yesterday. We asked our four main characters to stay behind so we could complete filming one of the jump scares, a few disorientated shots and also and few perspective shots of zombies chasing the characters. This was successful as we were able to do these shots and added a few additional shots that may also be effective for the trailer.


On Friday we plan to stay behind after school and do a large zombie apocalypse with a large group of students. We have two students who are prepared to put on Latex zombie makeup which will add to the realism of the trailer which will ensure the audience are more affected. Other students will have scruffy clothing and we may use some fake blood to emphasise that they are diseased and want to kill other students. We plan to film these shots on the film as we feel that the mist on the field would look really effective with the zombies walking through it. This is due to the audiences fear of the unknown. With the zombies walking through the mist, the audience wouldn’t be expecting it meaning that they would have more fear.
