As part of our ancillary task we are in the process of creating a film poster for our horror production therefore I decided that it would be important for me to have a more in depth understanding of film posters by analysing three current ones. I have decided to use modern horror posters because they will be most relateable to the modern target audience that I have for my film. This will mean that it will be more suitable for attracting audiences meaning the horror film will be more sucessful overall.

Whilst analysing the three film posters I decided to look closely into:

  • Title
  • Main Image
  • Tagline
  • Colours
  • Typography
  • Addtional information such as directors and actors
  • Release Date

The three successful horror film posters that I have chosen to analyse are Dawn of the Dead, Deliver us from Evil and an alternative Dawn of the Dead poster.

This is my analysis of the three horror film posters that I have put onto Slideshare:

Here is the link to the webpage if the embeded SlideShare does not work:
I have also included screenshots of the powerpoint below: