Why did we decide to create a warning sign?

In order to give our horror trailer full effect and realism we decided to create a warning sign about the disease. We will have this flash up in a shot where the children are working on computers to give the effect that the warning was unexpected. This would create tension for the audience because they would be aware at how unready the characters in the film are.

Why did we design it the way we did?

We decided to use large capital letters to represent that the warning is official and associated with industrial, army like institutions that are conventionally associated with zombie pandemics. We used two versions of the warning sign and layered them over each other at a fast pace so that the warning sign would flash up at the children. This will make the scene more distressing for the audience and would show the panick that the characters are feeling. This effect will help to create more fear in the audience which is our main purpose of the horror trailer.