Within our Horror Trailer we will need to include the film title, institution logo and the release date of the film, therefore it was important for me to research into existing horror trailer institutions that obtain these features and analyse what makes them so successful. I have decided to do this in order to implement these successful features into our own horror trailer. The horror trailers that I have chosen to analyse are relatively modern due to the fact that our horror trailer is related to a modern era. We want to make our horror trailer as relatable as possible for our modern target audience and this task will help us with this.

Below I have created gifs to represent what I am analysing:

Film 1  VIRAL

Institution 1: Blumhouse productions


This insititution is one of the most applicable logos to the horror genre. Its theme follows the conventional horror film genre by showing and represents clearly to the audience what sort of film they are about to watch. This institution focuses only on the horror genre and is very effective at doing so.

The name ‘Blumhouse’ links back to the paranormal sub-genre of horror that is represented in the institution logo. As I have learnt from my research, a large proportion of paranormal horrors are set within houses and the fact that they have reflected this in their institution shows the type of empty and isolated themes that they will put across within their films, therefore putting the audience on edge and building up the initial tension ready for the film.

Institution 2: Dimension Films


Dimension films is a common institution within the horror genre. Its black background keeps the dark theme going throughout the trailer and its plain graphics make the audience feel isolated. This institution is quite different to the others as it doesn’t change according to what film it is producing  unlike other institutions such as Warner Bros.

The word ‘Dimension’ suggests the idea of multiple themes that will be introduced within the films they have produced. The fact that the institutions logo is 3D also reinforces this idea and links back to the institution name.

Film Title: VIRAL


The film title closely relates to the sub-genre zombie-horror that it represents. This is done through it having bacteria in the background that emerges from the darkness. This links to the theme of disease due to the connotations of death that the black filtered bacteria suggests. This is effective because it gets the audience questioning as to what the bacteria actually is and whether it will harm them. This will lead to the success of the film due to the audience being drawn in by the mystery of the trailer.

Release Date: Jan 2017

Film 2 Lights Out

Institution 1: Warner Bros


This institution is very popular within the horror genre and films associated. The original logo is often adapted for each film so that it fits the genre. In this case, the background is darker and the letters appear more faded and old making the old fashioned horror theme stand out.This technique also adds mystery to the beginning of the trailer and begins to build the vital tension within the audience as they watch the trailer.

The pace in which the institution is displayed to the audience is quite quick and a black fade in and out effect is used to do this. This makes the audience feel isolated and it begins to increase the tension that they feel due to the quick pace of the trailer.

Institution 2: New Line Cinema

i-new-lineNew Line cinema is also a very common institution within the horror genre, however very much like Warner Bros it has made films such as:

The logo has been adapted to fade into a dark, cloudy night background which represents themes of darkness and isolation to the audience. This initially sets off the tone for the film and reinforces the audiences fears of being alone and in the dark. Also, the producers have cleverly edited the logo to look as if it is moving away from the audience into the emptiness of the night sky. This again makes the audience feel very alone creating a higher sense of fear within them in preparation for the film.

Film Title: Lights Out


The title ‘lights out’ initially strikes out at the audience due to their childhood fears of the dark. Darkness is a very conventional theme within horror films and trailers, therefore by them using it as a title this means more fear is actually created overall in the audience.

The institution name is written in ‘scratchy’ like typography as if it has been scratched onto the wall by a ghost child or person. From my research into horror genres, I know that this theme of scratchy writing is often seen in paranormal films and this tells the audience what sort of fear they are in for when they watch this film. Continually, the name of the film also links in with the light switch that is framed within the shot. The audience can clearly see that there is no-one there to turn the light switch off, however, the camera movement suggests that something is approaching, and the light switch flicks down on its own. This is quite shocking for the audience and the screen instantly changes to a black screen displaying the release date of the film. The mystery that is created from this editing overall draws the audience in, making them want to see who the villain actually is.

Release Date: Aug 2016

Film 3 The Woman In Black

Institution 1: CBS films


This institution logo has been adapted from its original plain form to fit the paranormal genre of this film trailer. In the background we can see dust and smoke which suggests old age and mystery to the audience. This is a common theme in the horror genre and the fact that they have used dust around the institution logo, it represents the theme of an abandoned house that is used in the film The Woman In Black.

Institution 2: Cross Creek Pictures


Very much like the previous institution in this horror trailer, the logo is surrounded by darkness, dust and smoke which are all conventional themes of the genre. This institution links closely to the windows of the manor house that are feautured in the film which makes the shot look eerie and isolated. This is important for setting the tone of the film with the audience.

The name ‘cross creek’ works well in the horror genre because due to its connotations with death. Cross creek suggests a dangerous river creek that could lead to a serious accident. This fits well with the horror genre because of its themes of death and danger. The word ‘creek’ also brings about connotations of creeking floorboards and doors that create tension in the audience. This also links in with the creepy house that is used in the film and the many creeks that are heard around it at night to create fear.

Film Title: The Woman In Black


This film title cleverly reflects all of themes that will be featured in the film. The writing is wiped onto the condensated window as if a ghost has written it and this automatically tells the audience that the trailer has paranormal themes. This idea is reinforced as a black vale flickers across the screen. The fact the film is called the woman in black shows that this could be her and this creates tension and mystery in the audience as the do not know who or what she is as she gets closer to the screen.

The fact that the title is written onto a window represents where the film will be set, which in this case is in an abandoned house. From previous research I know that this setting is a very conventional place for a horror film to be set.

Fades are used throughout the entirety of the film trailer which adds a sense of mystery to the trailer.

Release Date: Feb 2012