In order to have a deeper and more insightful understanding of film magazines and how they work to promote film, I thought it would be best to analyse three very different magazine covers. This task will allow me to identify key features of film magazines that make them so effective, which in effect will make the film a success.

This close analysis has made me aware of the importance of a variety of features in film magazines and how I can manipulate them to make the most effective film magazine cover. For example, I now know that by having the masthead in all capitals and in bold, it will make the magazine seem more important and it will stand out to the audience more. I will be sure to use this feature in my film magazine cover in order for a successful outcome.

I have learnt from this research task that all film magazines obtain the following features:

  • The Masthead
  • Main Image
  • The Strapline
  • Anchoridge Text

Here is my analysis of the following film magazines:

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I have also included Screenshots of the analysis below: