
Louise Richardson

A level Media Blog



Magazine Final Draft

We have completed the final trailer for our film magazine front cover. We have taken into consideration all of the feedback we have gained from our audience and made use of red and black colours that link closely to out main product. We also edited the text to ensure it obtained the same industrial feel to it that the other texts in our other products also had. We wanted to do this to link the products within our promotional package close together.



We decided to choose this poster out of all of the other images that we had proposed such as the one of the zombie, because we felt that leaving the villain’s as more of an enigma to the audience,  would result in them being  more curious and scared when watching the trailer due to the fear of the unknown. This as a result would keep the audience on edge due to the eerie image and would therefore have more of an effect on them.

Film Magazine 2nd Drafts

After creating the three drawn up versions of our horror magazine covers Melissa and I went on to take the images we had drawn out and use Adobe Photoshop to create the digital versions of the magazines. We decided to go for a very basic draft in order to simply see where the items on our cover will go and what sort of colour schemes will feature in our magazine. This will help us to come to a final decision on what will look most effective on our horror magazine cover.

So far we have created two drafts for our horror magazine cover:

Draft 1



Draft 2



As these are only our second drafts, there are many things that we will need to consider when creating out final draft such as typography colour schemes the darkness of the images compared to the typography.

Magazine Draft Ideas

Before making the official mock ups of the magazine cover Melissa and I decided to draw out two rough ideas of what we would like to create. We decided that it was important for us to feature all of the characters within our film on the magazine cover so we used this idea to create two contrasting magazine covers.

Draft 1

For our first margazine draft we plan to have all of the characters within our horror trailer running away from the zombies behind them. We feel that it is important to represent the basics of what the film is about to the audience so they can then go on and question what the narrative of the film is and so on.

An image of the drawn up version of our magazine draft is below:


Draft 2

This draft focuses on the villian of the horror trailer and we have found from research into magazines the it is effective to have just one character from the film to represent it and to have people remember the film by. By using the zombie the audience will begin to question quite alot about the film because the image will not give much away.

Draft 2 is seen below:



Draft 3

We decided to create a short blog for our ideas on draft 3 for our magazine cover:

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